Benefits of Use Blue Light Blocking Glasses

Smartphones, computer screens, TVs, office fluorescent lights and the sun all emit blue light – short wave length light which disrupts internal biological clocks, reduces melatonin production and leads to eye strain.

Though some studies suggest blue light-blocking glasses could potentially reduce eyestrain, there is no scientific proof to support their use in most people. Instead, there are other strategies you can employ to lessen exposure to blue light.

Reduces Eye Strain

Without spending on expensive blue light blocking glasses, there are a number of steps you can take to protect and relieve eye strain without incurring additional expenses. According to Adair, changing screen time habits – by taking breaks from devices and using appropriate settings on monitors that meet prescriptions can all help alleviate symptoms of discomfort and protect eyesight.

If you are having difficulty cutting back on screen time, try wearing glasses with orange or yellow tints – these tints have been found to reduce blue-violet light rays that may interfere with your circadian rhythm and signal when it is time for sleep or wakefulness.

Skylineoffer range is scientifically engineered and verified to block 100% of blue light, helping you experience deeper sleep while naturally increasing melatonin levels. They should be worn 2-3 hours before sleeping for maximum effects; prescription lenses and a variety of frame styles are available.

Helps You Fall Asleep

Sleep is essential to feeling and performing at your best, yet if you find yourself continuously checking your phone, watching television, or using the computer before trying to go to bed at night, you could find it hard to fall asleep or achieve restful REM sleep that your body requires.

Blue light from digital devices suppresses production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for inducing sleep. A 2019 study published by Chronobiology International suggests that wearing blue-light blocking glasses before bed can help you fall asleep more easily and get an improved night’s rest.

Our premium blue blocking lenses are engineered to block 100% of short wavelengths that disrupt melatonin production, but our nightfall lens goes further by also blocking visible green light (which is next to blue on the spectrum chart), for a more natural and restful night’s rest. Ideal for people suffering insomnia or seeking to improve overall sleep quality.

Reduces Your Risk of Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Blue light rays can penetrate deep into your eyes and damage retinal cells, potentially contributing to age-related macular degeneration which may result in vision loss. Blue light blocking glasses are an effective way of blocking these rays and thus reduce your risk for macular degeneration.

Blue light blocking glasses could possibly slow or prevent macular degeneration; however, they won’t provide relief from its symptoms like blurred vision and glare.

Though research may not confirm their efficacy, blue light blocking glasses are an effective solution for many who spend long hours looking at screens. When combined with other solutions (e.g. taking 10-minute breaks every hour and wearing sunglasses outdoors) these glasses may even prove more helpful. For assistance finding suitable pair, contact an optometrist who can recommend stylish yet comfortable glasses tailored to meet your individual needs today!

Reduces Eye Fatigue

Digital screens emit bright lights that can cause eye strain and fatigue, so using blue light blocking glasses to filter this blue hue out and reduce eye strain. They may also help avoid headaches associated with digital eyestrain such as dry eyes, blurred vision and neck pain.

Studies have demonstrated that exposure to blue light during the evening hours disrupts your circadian rhythm, or internal clock, making it more difficult to fall and stay asleep at night. Wearing blue light glasses in the evening may reduce this disruption and improve quality sleep by decreasing disruption.

However, not all blue light-blocking lenses are created equal; to get maximum effectiveness from your blue light blocking lenses you should look for ones that filter out all spectrums of blue light and are comfortable for extended wear times as well as offering adequate ventilation. In addition, take frequent breaks from your screen by following the 20-20-20 rule that recommends you look away for at least 20 seconds every 20 minutes for at least 20 seconds – something like that should ensure optimal protection and ventilation of the eyes while watching digital screens!